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The Big SpoonT 
Stirring up  Change


The Big Spoon through The Food Collective, aims to bring people together around delicious, affordable, fresh food while positively impacting on health, wellbeing and work through three distinct programs - the Food Matters Program, the Grey Matters Food Program and The Work Together Program. The Big Spoon aims to assist groups to learn to prepare healthy low-cost meals for themselves and their families. The Big Spoon can be adapted to meet the needs of a range of different people, including but not exclusively, vulnerable people, young families and adults with learning difficulties, unpartnered men, people experiencing family violence and other target groups. The program can be tailored specifically to any group and we also specialise in working with corporate organisations to develop individual food related team building activities. Food is a great medium to bring people together.  


The Grey Matters Program involves working collaboratively with older people in understanding how to prepare healthy, affordable eating options, tips and tricks and food preparation with limited manual dexterity. This Program also includes older, single men who may no longer be partnered and little exposure to food preparation. For them, we can start at the beginning. We will focus on an individuals experience with food, culture and history. We recognize that ageing is a lifelong process and begins at birth. In this Program we will celebrate experience, we will resist ageism but not age. We are also aware that many older people already know how to cook, but may be assisted with some tips, tricks and delicious easy to prepare recipes.


Work Together Matters Program can be tailored for the individual team or office to provide a relaxed, open environment for team building. This can be a component of a bigger program or a stand alone activity just for fun or as part of an overall workplace strategy.  We have experienced and trained staff who can deliver these programs. Contact us to chat about the program.


Many young people leave school with little or no knowledge of how to cook or prepare food. The Food Matters Program will assist with skills and knowledge in preparing simple, healthy meals while targeting affordability and reducing food waste. Our focus is on fun, inclusion and participation.  





The goal of The Big Spoon is for the participants to really get involved and enjoy being part of the group that brings people together over food. It’s not just about cooking skills, healthy eating, health, hygiene and budgeting, it’s also about sitting down as a group, tasting and eating together.  The hope is that people who enjoy the Program will then share their learnings with their friends and families impacting more broadly on the wider community.

The Big Spoon there is further scope for future involvement of the mainstream community in healthy home cooking.


In terms of young people, the scope of The Big Spoon can grow beyond addressing nutrition to combatting obesity through effective youth development, with the potential for mentoring young people to find their voice as they explore career paths in food and develop life skills.





Both the Food Matters Program and the Grey Matters Food Program are targeted to the individual groups. Prior to commencing classes a survey will be distributed to participants to ascertain individuals prior knowledge and experience. Based on the survey feedback the Programs can be tailored to the group to ensure the content remains engaging.


Surveys will also include a request for any particular participant food allergies or intolerances. This will be up to each participant to disclose and each participant will be asked to sign a disclosure regarding this prior to commencing the Program.


The Programs are designed to be demonstrative, however there may be opportunities for participants to volunteer to take part in particular processes. The course will be staged, progressing through the following stages:

  • an understanding of kitchen equipment and how to safely use it,

  • understanding of following a recipe

  • food preparation and storage

  • cooking

  • sharing and tasting


The sessions for each Program can be delivered in 1.5 hour sessions each week for a designated number of weeks. All food and ingredients are provided along with recipes and instructional resources.




These Programs require the use of an equipped community kitchen or commercial kitchen with enough seating for up to 10 participants with appropriate public liability insurance. I also hold my own current public liability insurance and I am a qualified Food Safety Supervisor.


The kitchen should also be approved to Australian Standards fire safety equipment.  


Kitchen equipment/utensils are dependent on the provision of a kitchen.

Lesson plans for the individual Programs can be provided..

The program goals include:

1.     Understanding the relationship between well being, long-term good health and the food we eat

2.     Develop an adventurous attitude towards trying new foods, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables

3.     Basic culinary skills and concepts including hygiene principles

4.     Instill the value of meals enjoyed at the table with family and friends

5.     Establish an understanding of the seasonality of foods

6.     Develop tolerance for other cultures and different ways of living




The Programs can be tailored specifically to the requirements of the participants, the host or auspicing organisation. I can be contacted for further information by clicking on the Contact tab and completing the Contact Form, emailing us on or phoning Debbie on 0448099564.



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